Test Bouquet 2
Add any text you like to this bouquet's flowerpot! Start by checking the "Add laser etched text to the flowerpot" checkbox, and continue customizing by typing your text and selecting a font. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Check out the far bottom of the page for the font options and some etched flowerpot examples to get your creative juices flowing!
The Three, Four, and Six Bloom Bullet Bouquets use a small flowerpot, which makes the whole piece stand about 4" tall, while the flowerpot is 1.75" in diameter and 2" tall.
The One Dozen and Twenty Bloom Bullet Bouquets use a medium flowerpot, which makes the whole piece stand about 5.5" tall, while the flowerpot is 2.5" in diameter and 2.5" tall.
Handmade in the USA! Prices are in USD.
The Three, Four, and Six Bloom Bullet Bouquets use a small flowerpot, which makes the whole piece stand about 4" tall, while the flowerpot is 1.75" in diameter and 2" tall.
The One Dozen and Twenty Bloom Bullet Bouquets use a medium flowerpot, which makes the whole piece stand about 5.5" tall, while the flowerpot is 2.5" in diameter and 2.5" tall.
Handmade in the USA! Prices are in USD.